Small Cute Grey Red Outline Pointer
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»The Buttons
Saturday, March 26, 2011

I dont know what came up, tapi yang I know, IMISSMYBUTTONS :(

rindu time bergila dengan mereka tiap tiap petang. all the tepungs, all the DSLRs, all the fun and laughter, everything. hey guys, remember the first time we met? or the first time we laugh hilariously? or the first time we celebrated something? or every other time that we had real fun? or you peeps just remember the part that we fought, cursed, yelled at each other? I really dont know what to say exactly. I just wanna go back to the oldtimes :) MAYBE seeing these pictures will remind you bout the funs that we had :))

celebrating the end of PMR
(first time hangout)
zombieessss --'
padan muka matniii
ada TB ada tidak :)
mandi beramai ramai :))
band baruu :D
farewell party nani
(yang first tuuu)
berjalan ke pacific
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OMG, remember kita makan cake ni dekat bowling pacific. dah lah hancur cake tuu, makan dengan tangan. berdiri pulak. orang tengok jeaa. hahahahahah
photoshoot dekat rumah TokSu
the location
rambut aku nii lawa (perasan)
the photographer
celebrating Haz's 15 birthdayy
(time nii some of us dah gaduh so tak bercakap, but we still had fun kan?)
sexay's family
bulat & naim
'model' wanabe

so guys, still up for Buttons vs TWC futsal match ?
haha heartt youuu :)
trash talked @ 4:11 PM