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»to: Sepet
Friday, March 22, 2013

assalamualaikum wbt.

this post is dedicated to my boyfriend, or ex. Im not exactly sure where we stand.

B, Imissyou by A LOT!  I know you're busy with your exams. I sort of understand. I want you to succeed. but I also want our relationship to succeed. Im hanging by a thread here. I need you. 

I know I've said this all the times but this time I meant it. I WANT TO CHANGE. and I need to. I'll try, in syaa Allah I'll change. gimme time. I also need your help. 

I dont want our memories to fade away... I miss you. your laugh, your smile, your idiotic reaction to my stupidity, your hugs, your kisses, your 'leteran' *eventhough I sometimes hate it when you berleter*, hmm I miss your EVERYTHING b. | I miss every single thing about you. | this is by far the longest time spent w/out talking to you. I miss calling you before sleep and finally slept while texting. I miss checking my phone for you texts during work and replying it. now, it's just 'checking my phone'. no text from you whatsoever.

tadi awak text, I was over the moon. but as I open the text, it JUST says "congrats". my heart broke into a million pieces. patah seribu hatiku. I ran into the fitting room and cried for like 5 minutes, and then walked out with a fake smile. | faking smiles had been a habit now. so does crying before sleep. I end up crying to sleep and woke up with a panda eyes and swollen face. *sigh* |

itew rindu awak sesangat B. CC pun rindu awak. tiap malam kami nangis. CC nak papa dia balik. :'(

I actually dont know who to react now. I miss you so badly. I dont want to annoy you. but I guess, memang duk annoy pun. hmm Im sorry.

B, iloveyousoveryverymuch. I never thought something like this would happen. I really thought you'd be my last. I really want you to be my last, probably my forever. tapi tu laa, kita mampu plan je, Allah yang tentukan.

Im going insane thinking about you everyday and night. thinking that you will probably wont come back and you'll find someone much much better than me. this scares me to hell B. I dont want this! nauzubillah~ :'(

sepetku, please come back and dont leave me again. I'll change to a better person, in syaa Allah. please :'( Im begging you here B. pleaseeee :'(

*long sigh* that's all I can say for now. Iloveyou SO MUCH, takecare. 


satu masa bila aku biaq hang buat selama lamanya, hang akan tarik balik kata kata hang tadi. -Najmi Afif. 18.03.2013

Sabrina Johan 

trash talked @ 1:29 AM

»my SPM result :)
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Assalamualaikum wbt :)


okay sayang sayang baby baby mucuk mucuk macam sekalian, result SPM 2012 dah keluar. 

*drum rolls* I got 5A's 2C's 2D's :)

A : science & english
A- : bm, seni & maths
C+ : agama & sejarah
D : ekonomi & addmaths

Alhamdulillah, itu sahaja... it's not much. but it's seriously UNEXPECTED! :)

Assalamualaikum :)

trash talked @ 2:00 PM

»keputusan SPM 2012
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

assalamualaikum wbt, annyeooonngg! :))

SPM dah selamat dijalankan pada 2012. esok, RESULT keluar!! ya Allah, ketaq taktau nak habaq! 2 3 hari sebelum tak rasa lagi kehangatan dia. harini baru rasa. ketaq bukan sebab apa. ketaq takut ada yang fail. hmm tak banyak A aku tak kisah sangat. kalau boleh nak B semua pun kira okay la. then ada C sikit sikit takpa. please no D's. :( 

ya Allah ya Allah ya Allah! takut. hmm takut sangat :( takpaaa, exam buat buat dah. tak boleh nak kata apa, tawakal ja la yang mampu. betul dak? okayyy. *sigh*

tuu jaa nak luahkan kat sini. lama tak berbelog. maybe lepas ni akan berbelog balik, in syaa Allah. *amin*


trash talked @ 12:00 PM

»I is sad. VERY!
Monday, March 11, 2013

hey peeps. Assalamualaikum and anyeoongg :)

I started working about 2 months ago. at first okay la. tapi lama lama, macam sedih je. cuti sehari ja, kerja 6 hari seminggu. kalau tidak dulu cuti hari sabtu, now tukar isnin. hmm dih dih. dah la tuu, aku probably kerja sampai bulan 6 or 8. this is more sad! the saddest part is aku dah jarang onling, hanging out with friends and family. the saddest of the saddest part is kalau mintak cuti, TOLAK GAJI!!! fishcake!

gila la macam ni punya sedih. hm hmm. aku kerja sebab nak duit, nak spend duit. tapi... duit aku habis tang makan ja. then beli barang keperluan sikit sikit. dah jarang dah nak mintak duit kat parents. unless kalau duit aku dah habis. tu pun dapat gaji aku bayar balik and bagi sikit duit kat daddy. daddy kan tak kerja, it's the least I can do lepas dia tolong hantar p balik kerja apa semua. mama pulak aku tolong dengan kemas rumah.

haaa, ni aku nak bebai sat. dah la rumah ni aku dengan mama ja yang kemas. aku cuti sehari ja. mama cuti jumaat sabtu. aku rasa macam lepas aku kemas pun tak ada effect. hmm. sedih aa. aku bukannya rajin sangat. tapi aku balik kerja lewat. adik adik aku ni pun sila la faham. hm.

duit aku sekarang tengah save nak beli phone baru. tapi nampak gaya macam lambat lagi ja. nak beli tu nak beli ni. tu tak kira duit yang nak spend enjoy dgn kawan kawan or family. ishhhh! nak teriaknya!

hmm sorry kerana membebai kat sini. eehhh wait, Im not sorry, I take it back. this is my blog. suka hati laki bini mak datin aku punya hati la aku nak buat apa pun. 


trash talked @ 11:01 AM